By Swami Chidananda
For over fifty years Swami Chidananda, the spiritual successor of the legendary founder of the Divine Life Society, His Holiness Swami Sivanananda, travelled through out India and abroad urging his listeners to seek the Beyond and to live the divine life. That this is possible has been fully demonstrated in Swamiji's own life. Swamiji at once expresses a deep stillness arising from a continuous abidance in the Beyond and at the same time demonstrates the divine life through his love and the service of the Divine in all of creation. In this unique book,containing a election of early morning meditation talks given in the sacred Samadhi hall at Sivanananda Ashram. Swami Chidananda, from his own deep realization and unsderstanding, guides us in our universal journey towards the Beyond.
320 pages Edition 2005